Capital Structure


(Millions of Yen)

2019/3 2020/3
Total assets 359,500 387,749
Equity attributable to owners of parent company 237,282 242,442
Ratio of equity attributable to owners of parent company 66.0% 62.5%

Ratio of equity attributable to owners of parent company = Equity attributable to owners of parent company / Total assets x 100


(Millions of Yen)

2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3
Total assets 294,492 298,107 299,249 323,046 350,828
Equity 222,330 227,896 227,623 238,803 237,662
Equity ratio (%) 75.5 76.4 76.1 73.9 67.7

"Equity" represents "Net assets less non-controlling interests"
Equity ratio = Equity / Total assets x 100

Capital Structure (IFRS)

Capital Structure (JGAAP)